East Coast Customs
We are stoked to be in partnership with East Coast Customs. They are an amazing company with a huge emphasis on giving back. We have been in collaboration creating a 28″ Park Board and a Custom Pintail with a STSF/ECC logo. A portion of the proceeds from the sales of these select boards will go to STSF and keep kids in the water surfing. Check them out here!
Surfr App![surfr-logo-[Converted]mod](https://sharethestokefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/surfr-logo-Convertedmod.png)
We are proud to have been partnering with Surfr App for two years now. Surfr App is an iPhone app for surfers that connects people with places across the globe. More specifically, surfers can search over 8,000 surf spots, journal surf sessions, and discover travel resources like food, lodging and volunteer opportunities.
Moana Surf Company
Moana Surf Company is not just another surf brand. As for the word Moana, pronounced- “Mo-Ahnna”, it’s a Polynesian word for ocean. They represent a culture, a lifestyle, and a passion born out of our love for the Ocean! They are determined to spread the “Spirit of Moana” both near and far and we are proud to share that mission!
Chicama Surf Resort
Chicama Surf Resort is the headquarters for our Peru stoke missions. Together we create beautiful impact days for the groms of Puerto Malabrigo.
Phix Doctor
Phix Doctor make a eco-friendly surfboard repair product. It can be used for poly or epoxy and is cured by the sun. The good folks at Phix Doctor have been donating kits for us to take to third world countries so that the most remote places can fix their boards when they get a ding. Thanks Tony!
Makai Project
The folks at the Makai Project are some of the coolest folks we know. They make awesome custom, wood handplanes and skateboards. They have been a huge supporter for our fundraisers by donating us planes and boards to raffle off. We are proud to have them on our team and love what they stand for.